

Five “Outside the box” Things to do on Maui


I have put off posting because the moment I started writing something, what I was writing was no longer valid. Everything was changing moment by moment. And it continues to change but, I think the difference now, is the changes are our new norm. So, with that said, I am going to be presenting some travel options that under the circumstances just may be doable in early 2021 And my first choice is Maui.

I have provided a link regarding the current travel restriction and requirements to Hawaii. They still have the mandate that all visitors arriving in the Hawaiian Islands must self-quarantine for 14 days. However, there is another option which would require pre-planning and pre-travel testing. Please click on the link below.

Now if you think you can arrive without first being tested…think again. They will tell you upon arrival that you must quarantine yourself for 14 days. Just recently a couple from New York agreed to quarantine for 14 days but were arrested for violating the coronavirus quarantine rules. They had each had to pay $14,000 for bail.

To say I love Hawaii would be an understatement. What is there not to love! The moment you step off the airplane you are hit by the sweet cool breeze of the ocean and fragrant floral scents of the island.

I have visited all the Hawaiian Islands over many years but Maui is my favorite and the one I have visited the most. In fact, we owned a house on Maui in the Upcountry for about eight years. We spent about half of our time on Maui even flying our dogs back and forth. Then came the birth of grandkids and the dogs got too old to fly, and we’re not spending enough time on Maui to justify the expense of keeping the house. Yes, it was a difficult decision to sell the house but one we had to make.

Here is a picture of our cute little house on two acres in Upcountry Maui
Our beautiful Golden Retrievers Katie & Brinkley sitting surrounded by purple blossoms from our Jacaranda tree.

With that said, if you have never been to Maui, you really want to stay on Kaanapali Beach. It is exactly what you would expect….lots of beach side hotels, restaurants and activity. And you are just a few minutes drive to Lahaina the town with a long history. You will want to stroll along Front Street with fun shopping, wonderful restaurants to have lunch, dinner or just cocktails, pupus and watch the sunset.

After you have done the MUST do things on Maui, please save time to travel “outside the box” or in this case, drive to the UpCountry of Maui. It is entirely a different environment and about 10 degrees cooler than the beach areas.

UpCountry Maui is so unexpected and enchanting that it is hard to believe that you are still on Maui. There are four towns in the upcountry, Pukalani, Makawao, Kula and Ulapalakua. I suggest you dedicate one day to the upcountry. Here is a list of 5 Things to do in the Upcountry of Maui.

Ali Kula Lavender Farm

The Lavender Farm is hard to describe the fields of lavender stretched out in front of you on 13.5 acres. During normal times, they offer walking tours and tours by cart a various times of the day. You do need to contact them to make a reservation. They also have a small gift shop with bath and body lotions, culinary infused items such as chocolate bars, jelly, etc.

Exploring the Lavender Farm with my friend from Oklahoma City.

Ulupalakua Ranch Store & Grill and Maui Winery

This is a very unique place and the drive is breathtaking. You have to follow Kula Road past GrandMa’s Coffee Cafe and take the short drive along the side of Haleakala overlooking Wailea and the ocean.

You can take a tour, of the winery and hear the history of Maui with wonderful photographs, Then after the tour you can cross the street to the Ulupalakua Store & Grill and order an Elk burger.

View from the drive to Ulupalakua Ranch

Makawao & Sherri Reeve’s Studio

When you leave Ulupalakua it is down hill the way you came up. But, on your return you must stop in the little town of Makawao. Makawao is a small, charming, cowboy town in the Upcountry. Yes, I did say “cowboy town”! The Makawao Rodeo is held every Fourth of July with a lot of cowboy competitions such as barrel racing, calf roping, bareback, etc.

You must visit Sherri Reeve’s Shop/Studio. Sherri is delightful and you will find her studio in the back of the store. It is fascinating to watch her work. The photo below is a piece that Sherri did for our bedroom…it is really unique. She also has some very unique items to take home and to give as gifts. FYI, she will gladly ship any of her paintings.

Halimaille General Store

Now, after you have visited Makawao it should just be about time for cocktails and dinner. So, while you are in the upcountry you must stop for dinner at Halimaille General Store. No, it is not a store now but once upon a time, it was a fish market and a butcherer shop. But now it is a wonderful fun restaurant with a large lanai that drapes around the front and sides of the restaurant and owned and operated by Chef Bev Gannon. To really understand the history, click on the link below. And of course, you must order a Mango Magorita (Mango Marguerite)

This is just a list of some of the activities available in the Upcountry of Maui….just take one day and explore the Upcountry. You can reach out to me and I will be happy to plan the day for you.

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